“We need people like yourself, that are going to help them move them along and to where it needs to be.
We need people that ask those questions, those interviews, and present that.”
— J’SINTEN Dr. John Elliott
So, you want to do a Reconcili-Action Project?
Congratulations! This is a great project to put your energy into.
To truly create a meaningful reconciliation project, how might your project benefit the Indigenous community or people you are working with?
You are asking for their time. What will they get out of it? This is an opportunity to not only conduct an interview, but also to establish meaningful connections with members of the Indigenous community.
2. Next, prepare a report to share with your peers. Include a bibliography of the resources you used. Share it and get feedback.
3. Building Relationships
4. Prepare your interview questions. See Sample Interview Questions and 15 Tips for Oral History Interviews
5. Getting Ready for the Interview
6. During the Interview—See Fifteen Tips for Oral History Interviews.
7. After the Interview
8. Creating your video or project from the interview
Need help or inspiration? Take a look at these documents (or check out our Resources page):
Orange Shirt Day Project - Gleneagle Secondary School
Remembrance Day Veterans Project - Gleneagle Secondary School
Being W̱SÁNEĆ: Indigenous Culture and Identity by Lucas Hung